Book Design

Immersive Magazine Design for Art Lovers

We are clearly on a trajectory to have games that are indistinguishable from reality and the odds of us being in base reality is really low.
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After writing down the story and concept I figured key emotions that needs to be conveyed through each page. This allowed me to brainstorm possible illustrations to capture the entire essence of the story. 20 illustrations with a strict color palette was designed to make the book clean and minimal. Illustration style with hard light and hard shadows was used to reduce the details and keep the characters facial form more abstract.
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Zine Design

Taking inspirations through comic books Interesting Composition grids were used to ensure right eye movement between the illustration and content. Finaly Layout with 3 coloumn grid was picked after quite a few interations between placing the illustration and rearranging the content to find the perfect balance.
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Story that stiches together

Taking inspirations through comic books Interesting Composition grids were used to ensure right eye movement between the illustration and content. Finaly Layout with 3 coloumn grid was picked after quite a few interations between placing the illustration and rearranging the content to find the perfect balance.
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